The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA – South)

Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA)

ssa-s logo



Established: 1964/1996

Headquarters: Loi Tai Leng, Northern Shan State.

Active Regions: Mongping, Kyaingtong, Tachileik, Monghpyak, Mongyawng, Mongton, and Mong Hsat in eastern Shan State; Mongpan, Mongnai, Laihka, Kunhing, Mawkmai and Namsang in southern Shan State; Hsipaw, Namtu, Muse, Kyaukme, and Namhkam in northern Shan State.

Strength: Over 8,000

Chairman – General Yawd Serk

Vice Chairman – Lt-Gen Sai Yee

Secretary (1) – Col. Sai Nguen

The Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) signed the ceasefire agreement at the state and union levels in December 2011 and January 2012, and it signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the U Thein Sein administration on October 15th, 2015. The group participated in the peace process along with other ethnic armed groups that signed the NCA.

Clashes between the armed group and the Tatmadaw (military) have occurred in Mong Kung, Kyethi, Mongnawng, Mongton, Mong Hsat, Kyaukme, and Namhkan townships. The clashes in Kyaukme Township were particularly violent. With a stalemate and obstacles to the peace process, the RCSS clashed with the Tatmadaw, the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Pa-Oh National Liberation Organisation (PNLO).

The RCSS General Yawd Serk was unable to attend the 4th anniversary of the signing of the NCA due to restrictions imposed on him by the commander of the Tatmadaw’s Eastern Central Command. But there were informal meetings between the Tatmadaw and the RCSS representatives. Fighting between the two sides resumed on March 25th after a meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on March 15th, 2020.
At the 21st Century Panglong – Union Peace Conference held in 2020, the military urged the RCSS leader to speak in the Burmese language rather than in the Shan language during his opening speech. It can be seen that the RCSS remains committed to the NCA despite the stalled peace process and clashes with the military.

Although there were some clashes with Myanmar army troops following the military coup, an informal meeting took place between the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) and the regime’s National Solidarity and Peacemaking Committee (NSPNC). On 28 March 2022, after an informal meeting in Nay Pyi Taw, RCSS Secretary (1) Col. Sai Nguen said they would continue talks with the military council by adhering to the state and union-level ceasefire agreements.

Towards the end of March 2023, ahead of the talks with the military junta, the RCSS/SSA which led the seven Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations (EROs) that signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), reduced its participation in the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) and appears to be shifting towards a separate negotiation channel with the military council.

The RCSS/SSA has stated they have a policy in place to resolve current political and military issues through negotiations, and on 10 October 2022, it reached out to meet and discuss with ethnic armed organizations in the country, including those in Shan State. The RCSS statement mentioning “all organizations” raises the question of whether it includes all the Spring Revolution forces opposing the military regime. 90

Following the bi-annual meeting of the RCSS in 18-20 August 2023, it stated that it still “adheres to the essence of the NCA.”

During the Spring Revolution, the RCSS/SSA drew criticism from the Spring Revolution forces for providing rations and dealing in business matters with military council troops.

Clashes with the Myanmar army 8 clashes in 2020 and 8 in 2021; No apparent clashes in 2022 and 2023
Clashes        with EROs One clash in 2021 and one in 2022 with the Northern Alliance consisting of Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Arakan Army (AA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA). Two clashes in 2020; 24 clashes in 2021; 4 clashes in 2022; 3 clashes in 2023 (as of August). Two clashes in 2020 and 11 clashes in 2021 with PSLF/TNLA. One clash with the United Wa State Party/United Wa State Army (UWSP/UWSA) in 2023 (as of August).

Two clashes with the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) in 2023 (as of August).

The RCSS/SSA has clashed with up to 7 EROs, with the most clashes occurring with the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA).


Fighting after Ceasefire
2012 – 68
2013 – 76
2014 – 21
2015 – 13
2016 – 4
2019 – 6 clashes
2020 – 8 clashes
2021 – 8 clashes

Ceasefires and Peace Process
4 th EAO to sign ceasefire agreement
Step 1 – State – Level Ceasefire Agreement
(2 December 2011)
Step 2 – Union – level ceasefire agreement
(16 January, 2012)
Step 3 – NCA (October 15, 2015)

Official Representative Team
Negotiation Leader – Paung Khey

Liaison Offices
1. Taunggyi (22/02/2012)
2. Kyaing Tone (February 22, 2012)
3. Tachileik (February 29, 2012)
4. Mai Tone (February 29, 2012)
5. Kho Lam (March 21, 2012)
6. Muse (Business Liaison Office)
7. Mai Pan (March 6, 2014)


Email: [email protected]


 #  Date  Location  Armed Group Rep  Govt Rep  Details
1 19/11/11 Thai-Shan border Yawd Serk Aung Min nformal ceasefire
Other SSA-S delegates: Sao Khuen Sai
Mediators: Nay Win Maung, Dr Kyaw Yin Hlaing and Tin Maung Than, Harn Yawngwe
2 02/12/11 Taunggyi Sai Lu Aung Min State level 8 point ceasefire
Other govt delegates: Khin Maung Soe, Col Aung Thu, the minister of Border Affairs and Security; Shan State Chief of Justice Maung Maung; and General Staff Officer (Grade-1) of Triangle Regional Command Lt-Col Zaw Tun Myint.
3 01/01/12 Taunggyi U Khin Maung Soe Preparatory meeting
4 16/01/12 Taunggyi Sai Baung Khe Aung Min Union level 11 point ceasefire
Other govt Delegates: U Win Tun, Minister of Forestry; No 2 Electric Power Minister, U Khin Maung Soe; Sao Aung Kyat, Chief Minister of Shan State; Deputy Minister of Defense, U Zaw Win; Attorney General, U Tun Tun Oo; Minister of Shan State Border Security, Col Aung Thu; Col Kyaw Soe Lin (Defense ministry); Triangle Region G1, Col Zaw Tun Myint and Central Eastern Region G1, Col Zaw Min Aye.
5 19/05/12 Kengtung Yawd Serk Aung Min To keep the peacemaking talks on track, reached a 12-point agreement
Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief Gen Soe Win, Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay, Union Minister forElectric Power No.2 U Khin Maung Soe, Shan State ChiefMinister U Sao Aung Myat, Commander of EasternCommand Maj-Gen Soe Htut, Commander of Central EastCommand Brig-GenTo keep the peacemaking talks on track, reached a 12-point agreement Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief Gen Soe Win Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay, Union Minister forElectric Power No.2 U Khin Maung Soe, Shan State ChiefMinister U Sao Aung Myat, Commander of EasternCommand Maj-Gen Soe Htut, Commander of Central EastCommand Brig-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Commander of TriangleRegion Command Maj-Gen Than Tun Oo, Deputy AttorneyGeneral U Tun Tun Oo, Shan State Minister for Security andBorder Affairs Col Aung Thu and Col Kyaw Soe Win ofCommander-in-Chief (Army)’s Office Tun Tun Naung, Commander of TriangleRegion Command Maj-Gen Than Tun Oo, Deputy AttorneyGeneral U Tun Tun Oo, Shan State Minister for Security andBorder Affairs Col Aung Thu and Col Kyaw Soe Win ofCommander-in-Chief (Army)’s Office
6 28/10/12 Tachilek Pawng Kherh Col. Aung Thu (Shan State border affairs) Tripartite 9 point anti-drug agreement between SSA-S, government and UNODC Observer: Jason Eligh (UNODC-Myanmar)
7 10/06/2013 Naypyitaw Yward Serk Thein Sein, Aung Min,Soe Thein, Myanmar Peace Center President said to cooperate Reposition of Arms groups,Resettlement of People,Job Creation,Education and Developmental Project.For constitution amendment, Hluttaw will proceed. RCSS said they are fighting not for Confederation State, it is for Federal, Democracy, Self determination, Participation.
8 12/07/2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand MPC Technical Team (informal)
9 15/08/2013 MPC in Yangon Col. Sai La Hla Maung Shwe, Aung Naing Oo and Dr. Min Zaw Oo they discussed about nationwide ceasefire and political talks. RCSS also claimed Govt forces retreats from near the RCSS military camp. it’s an informal meeting.
10 23/08/2013 Yangon RCSS + KNU MPC Ethnics’ technical team led by KNU and RCSS discuss on Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with MPC technical team.
11 31/08/2013 Nay Pyi Taw RCSS + KNU+ CNF (Gen. Mu Tuu Say Phoe, Maj. Tu Tu Lay from KNU, Maj. Sai La and Maj. Sai Mein from RCSS) “Vice president Sai Mauk Kham – Vice Senior General Soe Win, U Aung Min, U Thein Zaw” UPWC president Sai Mauk Kham expected to get nation wide ceasefire in October. (1) commitment of ceasefire (2) framework from both sides negotiation for political dialouge (3) all inclusiveness in Conference (4) midterm working process negotiations is proposed by KNU- RCSS. It’s an informal meeting.
12 02/09/2013 Taunggyi RCSS/SSA, PNO, Ya La La Pha Shwe Mann/ Aung Than Htut Informal meeting
13 07/09/2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand RCSS/ KNU MPC-Aung Min/ Khin Yee/ MPC Informal meeting
The 14 point draft nationwide ceasefire accord presented by the ethnic armed movements was in principle accepted by the government’s technical team, according to the briefing given by Karen and Shan representative at the Working Group for Ethnic Coordination (WGEC) meeting held in Chiangmai last Friday, 6 September.“The wording as well as some specifics need some touch-up,” the Karen National Union (KNU) and Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) representatives were informed on 23 August in Rangoon.Specifics include Human Rights issues (Point #13) where the WGEC has proposed regional independent Human Rights Committees be established. “A National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has been set up by the government,” the Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) was reported as saying. “The proposition therefore will need some careful treatment.”
14 20/09/2013 Taunggyi RCSS, SSPP, PNLO U Aung Min (UPWC) Informal meeting
This is an informal meeting between UPWC and RCSS, SSPP, and PNLO in Taunggyi city. U Aung Min and delegations from RCSS, SSPP and PNLO attend the Shan-Kayah-Mon state Trust Building Conference holds on 21-23 Sept 2013. RCSS seems to discuss about the recent clahes betwenn RCSS and Myanmar army in southern Shan state.
15 18/06/2014 Chaing Rai, Mae Khong river bank, Golden Triangle Gen Yawd Serk – Aung Min and MPC Informal meeting
Govt representatives U Aung Min with MPC people and RCSS leader have dinner at the bank of the Maekong river in Chaing Rai, Thailand.
16 14/07/2014 Chiang Mai, Thailand Maj. Gen. Paung Khur, Col. Sai Hla, Col. Sai Nguen, U Khun Hseng (PI) Hla Maung Shwe, Dr. Min Zaw Oo, Dr. Andrew, Aung Naing Oo, Nyo Ohn Myint Informal meeting
They discussed about next round of peace talk and other peace related issue. This is an informal meeting between RCSS and MPC technical teams.


So far the local monitoring group is yet to be formed. U Aung Min said earlier that he was still drafting rules and regulations for the said body.

Points presented for the first step of peace process:

U Aung Min RCSS
  1. To make ceasefire
  2. To form delegation and set up offices for communication
  3. To allow each party without arms to pass through each party’s area of control
  4. To set up the date and venue for political negotiation with Naypyidaw level
  1. To make ceasefire
  2. To be able to discuss politics
  3. To set up development area
  4. To cooperate in the drug eradication

Liaison offices

  • Taunggyi, Kengtung, Kholam, Tachilek and Mongton


  • Two sides to conduct joint field survey
  • A peace-monitoring group will be formed before the end of July 2012 after thenomination by the two sides of suitable persons”
    • RCSS organized a meeting of the Shan State scholars on 22-23/08/2012 and formed this Peace Monitoring Committee consisting of 19 members
    • the SSA field team leader Brig-Gen Pawng Kherh told SHAN, 19 people, some of them highly regarded in the Shan community, have volunteered to become Peace Monitors to be watchdogs against truce violations between government troops and the armed resistance.
    • U Aung Min, the government’s key negotiator, said on 1 July that regulations for peace monitors were still being drafted and that the body would include people nominated by the government, the resistance and the media.”


  • Coordinate with each other in advance before moving with arms out of designated positions.
  • The two sides will remain at positions agreed upon by both sides.
  • Designation of areas will be discussed further at the Union level talks.


  • Government will assist families of the RCSS/SSA members to earn adequate.
  • National ID cards will be issued to members, family members and people residingwith the RCSS/SSA.


  • Special industrial zone will be set up and controlled by the RCSS.
  • RCSS/SSA is permitted to request assistance from and coordinate with NGOs and INGOs.
    • The 10-day visit inside the country from 15-24 January 2012, included the signing of the Union level agreement for security and development and meetings with both Shan political parties and civil societies. Shan State Army – (RCSS/SSA) leaders concluded a seven-day tour of businesses. At the invitation of the government peace team led by Railway Minister Aung Min, a seven-member RCSS/SSA team visited Rangoon and Mandalay and a three-member team visited Muse in northern Shan State
  • Has set up a 6 companies under the name Shan Taung Tan Cherry on 14 May 2012, these include travel and tours gems and jewelry, trading, services, industry and hotel.


  • Government will assist the RCSS/SSA in the preservation and promotion of Shan literature and culture
  • RCSS/SSA will be allowed to register its Tai Freedom news agency after the new media law comes into effect


  • Members and supporters of RCSS/SSA who are in prison will be released except for those who have been imprisoned on criminal charges.
  • Two sides will continue to build up mutual trust to enable the RCSS/SSA to be totally withdrawn from the list of unlawful associations.
  • The RCSS/SSA is free to hold political consultations with individuals, groups and communities throughout the country
    • A small team of SSA led by Awng Hseuk spoke to the public gathering in Pongpakhem, located 16 km north of the Thai-Burma border and announced that the SSA-S will stop collecting taxes and recruits from the ordinary people. (19/01/2012)
    • The RCSS/SSA will urge the people for their participation in the political negotiations with the government during the upcoming 2013 (14/12/2012)


  • Government, UNODC and RCSS will undertake survey in Mongnai and Mongpan townships
  • Choose sites for crop substitution pilot project
  • Plans for the crop substitution pilot project will be jointly drawn up, explained and discussed with the people, and then implemented
  • The crop substitution pilot project at the chosen sites will be implemented by the government-UNODC-RCSS as soon as possible*
  • UNODC will render technical assistance to the government-RCSS crop substitution project sites and discuss with international donors for the provision of immediately needed funds for the project
  • RCSS will keep the local people as well as its members informed on protection against the dangers of drugs, reduction and total eradication of opium cultivation, cooperation in the control of drugs and implementation of the crop substitution project
  • For effective implementation CCDAC, Shan State Police Force and RCSS will each appoint contact persons and exchange information through email, telephone and other appropriate means
  • Security issues in the joint CCDAC-UNODC and RCSS crop substitution project sites will be presented to the higher authorities

Clashes + Ceasefire Breaches

68 clashes GVT Army – 44 PMFs – 24 Kyaukme, Mawkmai, Mongkeung, Kunheing, Mongnai, Mongpiang, Mongton, Mong Yawng, Tachilek, RCSS/SSA captured 69 assorted weapons, killed 113 and wounded 129

People in Laikha township, Shan State South, where the Shan State Army (SSA) ‘South’ is active, has been warned by military authorities to steer clear of the SSA or face charges on Section 17-1 (unlawful association) 22/10/2012

The UWSA and RCSS/SSA had a military standoff in mid-June 2012 when Wa troops surrounded the SSA-S camp of Lwal Kaw Wun, based in Mong Hsat, eastern Shan State, after Shan soldiers apparently trespassed into Wa areas.The two armed groups plan to have further negotiations to solve the border dispute so that future confrontations can be avoided. The UWSA released around 20 soldiers from the RCSS/SSA following a meeting between representatives of the two groups in August 2012.


RCSS and UWSA held a second meeting for counteract narcotic drugs and harvest replacement planning (28-29 December 2012),

Shan Conference named “Trust building for peace” held in Taw-win-ninsi hall, Shwegontai, Yangon on 26 November 2012. Minister Aung Min, chief negotiator, gave the opening speech. Minister Aung Min and Minister Soe Thein attended the meeting. Some 150 Shan Representatives from SNLD, SNDP, TNDP, RCSS/SSA, SSPP/SSA, NDAA and others attended the meeting.

SNLD chairperson U Khun Tun Oo visited Mongla on 6-9 Dec 2012 and he met Mongla leader U Sai Leun and was accompanied by RCSS/SSA liaison officers.

PNLO anti-drug partnership

International Partnerships

UNODC – tripartite agreement

2/9/12 : Representatives of the Myanmar Peace Support Initiative, Norwegian Refugee Council, the Shan State Army –South/Restoration Council of Shan State, and Shan Relief and Development Committee met to discuss the proposed pilot projects under the MPSI. The participants agreed to conduct an assessment among internally-displaced persons’ camps, to learn their concerns, needs, and aspirations for the future. ‘Needs’ will mean both immediate needs in their host communities and in areas of return. This survey will be conducted at the end of the rainy season 2012, approximately late October, and will be implemented by local Shan organisations. Press Release

Business concessions:


25 Jan 2021 – RCSS released a condolence message for the death of Ward Administrator in Kone Thar Village, Hsipaw Township

06 Nov 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding 2020 General Election in Myanmar

05 Oct 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding village travel restrictions

01 Sep 2020 – RCSS released a statement on Multiparty Democracy General Election in 2020

28 Aug 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding completing of attending 4th Union Peace Conference-21st Century Panglong

8 Aug 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding attending of 4th meeting of Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong

26 Jun 2020 – RCSS released a statement for International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

21 May 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding 62nd Shan National Revolution Day

27 Apr 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding Covid 19

27 Mar 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding Covid 19

28 Feb 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding Mine Kaing Conflict

24 Feb 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding 20th annual meeting in 2020

05 Jan 2020 – RCSS released a statement regarding attending of 8th JICM Meeting

27 Oct 2019 – RCSS released a statement on the disruption of the RCSS’s chairman trip to attend the 4th Anniversary of the signing of NCA(Eng)

27 Oct 2019 – RCSS released a statement on the disruption of the RCSS’s chairman trip to attend the 4th Anniversary of the signing of NCA(Bur)

24 Oct 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding Gen.Yawd Serk trip to Taung Gyi and Nay Pyi Taw

17 Aug 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding road transport difficulty in Northern Shan state

11 May 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding bilateral peace agreement of RCSS and SSPP(Shan)

17 Apr 2019 – RCSS released a statement for 30th anniversary of UWSA/UWSP

21 Mar 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding CEC urgent meeting in 2019(Bur)

21 Mar 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding CEC urgent meeting in 2019(Shan)

18 Mar 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding Letter for UNODC(Bur)

18 Mar 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding Letter for UNODC (Shan)

1 Mar 2019 – RCSS release a statement regarding consolidation of RCSS and SSPP

20 Feb 2019 – RCSS released a statement for 72nd Mon National Day

7 Feb 2019 – RCSS released a statement for 72nd Shan National Day

31 Jan 2019 – RCSS released a statement for 70th anniversary of Karen Revolution Day

29 Jan 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding 19th annual meeting in 2019(Bur)

29 Jan 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding 19th annual meeting in 2019 (Eng)

29 Jan 2019 – RCSS released a statement regarding 19th annual meeting in 2019 (Shan)

25 Dec 2018 – RCSS released a statement regarding conflict in Northern Shan State

22 Dec 2018 – RCSS released a statement regarding Tatmadaw’s Four-Month Ceasefire Announcement in North, Northeast

21 Dec 2018 – RCSS released a statement regarding protest for Loilem conflict

1 Nov 2018 – RCSS released a statement for 30th Anniversary of ABSDF

17 Sep 2018 – RCSS released a statement regarding arrest and detention of Nan Mo Hwan

4 Aug 2018 – RCSS released a statement monthly meeting for august in 2018

26 Jun 2018 – RCSS released a statement for International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

22 Feb 2018 – RCSS released a statement for 2nd Congress

7 Feb 2018 – RCSS released a statement for 71st Shan National Day

1 Feb 2018 – RCSS released a statement for 71st Mon National Day

08 Jan 2018 – RCSS released a statement regarding Shan National-Level Political Dialogue

09 Sep 2017 – RCSS released a statement regarding government invitation

08 Aug 2017 – RCSS released a statement for 29th anniversary of 8888

14 Jul 2017 – RCSS released a statement monthly meeting for July in 2017

4 Jul 2017 – RCSS released a statement for migrant workers in Thailand

26 Jun 2017 – RCSS released a statement for International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

19 Jun 2017 – RCSS released an analysis of 2nd Session of Union Peace Conference-21st Century Panlong

21 May 2017 – RCSS released a statement regarding the Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong 2nd Session

03 Mar 2017 – RCSS released a statement regarding Peace Committee Reformed Meeting

23 Feb 2017 – RCSS released a statement regarding 17th Annual meeting For 2016

12 Jul 2016 – RCSS released a statement regarding monthly meeting for July in 2016

26 Jun 2016 – RCSS released a statement for International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

12 May 2016 – RCSS released an announcement of Gen.Yawd Serk

01 May 2016 – RCSS released a statement regarding TNLA-RCSS Fighting

01 Apr 2016 – RCSS released a statement regarding monthly meeting for April in 2016

04 Mar 2016 – CUSU released a statement regarding Fifth Meeting

11 Feb 2016 – RCSS released a Statement on the armed conflicts between RCSS/SSA and TNLA

07 Feb 2016 – RCSS released a statement for 69th Shan National Day

19 Jan 2016 – RCSS released a Statement regarding Visiting Switzerland

09 Dec 2015 – RCSS released a Statement concerning the armed conflict between TNLA and RCSS/SSA

15 Oct 2015 – RCSS released a statement on NCA signing

08 Oct 2015 – RCSS released a position statement on the NCA (Eng)

08 Oct 2015 – RCSS released a position statement on the NCA (Bur)

08 Oct 2015 – RCSS released a statement on signing the NCA

16 Sep 2015 – RCSS released a statement to stop election campaign in its control area (Eng)

16 Sep 2015 – RCSS released a statement to stop election campaign in its control area (Bur)

17 Aug 2015 – KNU, DKBA, KNU/KNLA Peace Council, and RCSS released a joint statement on signing the NCA

04 Auเ 2015 – RCSS released a statement on current political situation

03 July 2015 – RCSS/SSA released a statement after bi-annual meeting (Bur)

June 26, 2015 – RCSS released  a statement on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (Shan)

June 26, 2015 – RCSS released  a statement on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (Eng)

June 3, 2015 – RCSS released a statement on the NCA (Eng)

June 3, 2015 – RCSS released a statement on the NCA (Bur)

April 28, 2015 – RCSS released a statement on Pangsan trip

Jan 15, 2015 – RCSS released a statement on 15 Jan 2015 after annual meeting (Shan version)

Oct 04, 2014 – SNLD, SNDP, RCSS, and SSPP released a joint statement

Oct 03, 2014 – Shan leaders sent an open letter to president

Oct 03, 2014 – RCSS released a statement on Myanmar army launch military operation on SSPP

Jun 26, 2014 – On International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Feb 14, 2014 – RCSS leader Lt Gen Yawd Serk interview by Irrawaddy

Feb 14, 2014 – RCSS leader Lt Gen Yawd Serk reselected for chairman

Feb 13, 2014 – RCSS recruited new 4,000 members with 4 years

Dec 23, 2013 – RCSS’s analysis over pilot drug eradication project with UNODC and govt – Bur

Dec 23, 2013 – RCSS’s analysis over pilot drug eradication project with UNODC and govt – Eng

Dec 09, 2013 – Interview with RCSS leader Yawrt Serk

Nov 09, 2013 – RCSS statement on 11 common position – Bur

Nov 09, 2013 – RCSS statement on 11 common position – Eng

Nov 02, 2013 – An interview with RCSS representative Col Sai Hla in 7 days news.

Oct 26, 2013 – KNU and RCSS joint Statement – Bur

Oct 26, 2013 – KNU and RCSS joint Statement – Eng

Oct 01, 2013 – RCSS statement to ask govt and army to follow the agreement.

Jul 17, 2013 – KNU & RCSS Joint Statement

Jun 29, 2013 – RCSS statement on peace talk with UPWC

Jun 26, 2013 – International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Feb 16, 2013 – RCSS leader interview on Irrawaddy news

Jan 19, 2013 – RCSS-Statement 13th Annual Meeting Headquarters Loi Tai Leng

Dec 14, 2012 – RCSS/SSA launched their 5 aims for the future politics on one year anniversary of ceasefire agreement

Dec 13, 2012 – Brig Gen Pawng Kherh said if anyone were to be prosecuted with Section 17-1 (unlawful association) for assisting in the peace process, the first one should be his Naypyitaw counterpart U Aung Min.

Nov 08, 2012 – Further violations of the ceasefire by the government army may result in the collapse of the treaty, warned Lt-Gen Yawdserk

Oct 29, 2012 – RCSS Statement Standpoint SNLD

Oct 26. 2012 – A meaningful and successful political dialogue means both sides must be willing to make concessions – Lt-Gen Yawdserk

Oct 19, 2012 – RCSS/SSA launched a statement that it supporting to the standpoint of SNLD

Sep 12, 2012 – RCSS/SSA commanders say they are frustrated with the government in trying to establish a true ceasefire, saying it was only with Naypyidaw, but not the government army.

Aug 24, 2012 – A recent report submitted by the month long RCSS/SSA field trip to its leadership says most people, despite the on and off clashes with the government Army, have recommended continued talks to reach a political solution is the best option available at present

Jul 02, 2012 – Statement to urge Shan State people

Mar 21, 2012 – RCSS Statement: Policy to be implemented during ceasefire

Jan 27, 2012 – Statement on Union Level Peace Negotiation

Jan 13, 2012 – Statement on the release of Sao Khun Htoon Oo and political prisoners by Burmese government

Dec 10, 2011 – Statement on the ceasefire agreement between Burmese government and RCSS/SSA

Oct 20, 2011 – RCSS Statement Seeking Opinion and Suggestions possibility of peace talks

Aug 15, 2011 – Statement on the Accusation of RCSS/SSA by Burmese Government Press Conference

Jun 26, 2011 – Statement on the World’s Anti-Drugs Day

Mar 27, 2011 – Statement of condolence on the damage caused by the strong earthquake in Loi Muay, Tachilek and Keng Tung, Eastern Shan State

Mar 04, 2011 – Statement on Shan State Army launched a raid on the drug refinery of militia unit of Wan Zit tract, NamZarn Township

Nov 09, 2010 – RCSS Statement on Battle Between Dkba and Spdc

Nov 07, 2010 – RCSS-Statement-on Election

Aug 21, 2010 – SRCS Letter-to UN For bilateral dialogue regarding Union of Burma

Jun 26, 2010 – Statement on World Anti-Drugs Day

Mar 27, 2011 – Statement of condolence on the damage caused by the strong earthquake in Loi Muay, Tachilek and Keng Tung, Eastern Shan State

Apr 30, 2010 – Statement on SSPP/SSA’s Transformation into Home Guard Force

Jan 18, 2010 – RCSS-Meeting-Statement

Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2022 – 2023)


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