Peace Meetings

Major progress has been made by the Union-level Peace Team in reaching out to armed ethnic militia groups since the restart of peace talks in August. Despite the number of meetings and ceasefire agreements signed, many militia groups accuse the Myanmar army of continuing attacks and military buildup against their forces, undermining the validity of these talks and agreements. This alleged contradiction undermines all trust and peacebuilding efforts. Moreover, the government’s decision to deal individually with each group as opposed to collectively as proposed, has led many to suspect the government of a divide and rule strategy.


Non-State Armed Groups

Union Peace Committee

Agenda and Profile


Myanmar Egress

Dr. Nay Win Maung (Deceased)
Dr. Kyaw Yin Hlaing
Tin Maung Than


United Nationalities Federal Council

Peace agreement

6 members:

  • KNU, Karen National Union
  • KNPP, Karenni National Progress party
  • SSPP/SSA-N, Shan State Army-North
  • CNF, Chin National Front
  • NMSP, New Mon State Party
  • PNLO, PaO National Liberation Organization

Non Peace agreement

6 members:

KIA, Kachin Independence Army
ANC, Arakan National Council
WNO, Wa National Organization

LDU, Lahu Democratic Union
PSLF, Palaung State Liberation Front
MNDAA, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army


Nyo Ohn Myint
Harn Yawnghwe (Euro-Burma Office)
Aung Naing Oo
Dr. Min Zaw Oo


Dawei Princess Company

Yup Zaw Hkawng of Jadeland Company


  • UWSA, United Wa State Army
  • NDAA-Mongla National democratic Alliance army
  • RCSS/SSA-S, Shan State Army-South
  • ALP, Arakan Liberation Party, aka Rakhine State liberation Party
  • DKBA, Democratic Karen Benevolent Army
  • NSCN-K, National Socialist Council of Nagaland – Khaplang
  • KPC, KNU/KNLA Peace Council
  • ABSDF, All Burma Student’s Democratic Front
KNO-Burma, Kuki National Organization – Burma


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