Ceasefire Agreements


Ceasefire Terms | Ceasefire ImplementationDeed of commitmentNCA Agreement (Eng) | NCA Agreement (Bur)

Download ceasefire agreements, press releases and official statements here

21 panglong logo

Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong
Second session: 37 Basic Federal Principles of Union Accord – Part 1, 24-29 May 2017 (Bur) (download PDF file)


Ethnic Nationalities Affairs Center (Union of Burma)

Myanmar’s Natural Resources: Ownership, Management, Revenue Sharing and Impact (Bur) (download PDF file)

ENAC’s Policy Development Process (download PDF file)

Sectoral Policy Recommendations for Building Future Federal Democratic Union (Eng) (download PDF file)

Sectoral Policy Recommendations for Building Future Federal Democratic Union (Bur) (download PDF file)

Key Principles and Characteristics for a Federal Union of Burma (Draft) (download PDF file)


National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC)

The government’s roadmap for national reconciliation and union peace (download PDF file)


United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC)

UNFC 9 Points Proposal (download PDF file)

nca agree

Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (UPWC – EAOs)

Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (Eng) (download PDF file)

Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (Bur) (download PDF file)

nca agree

Deed of Commitment for Peace and National Reconciliation

Deed of Ceasefire Commitment (download PDF file)

Deed of Commitment for Peace and National Reconciliation – Signatures (download PDF file)

absdf and gov

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

State level agreement – 5 August 2013 (download PDF file)

Union level agreement (Burmese) – 10 August 2013 (download JPG file)

Union level agreement (English) – 10 August 2013 (download PDF file)

alp rslp 01

Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) / Rakhine State Liberation Party (RSLP)

State Level agreement – 5 April 2012 (download PDF file)

cnf 01

Chin National Front (CNF)

State Level 9-point agreement ceasefire – 6 January 2012 (download PDF file)

Union Level 15-point agreement – 7 May 2012 (download PDF file)

2nd Union Level agreement – 9 December 2012 (download PDF file)

dkba 5 01

Democratic Karen Buddhist Army – 5/ Kalo Htoo Baw (DKBA-5)

State Level Agreement – 3 November 2011 (download PDF file)

Union Level agreement – 11 December 2011 (download PDF file)

kio 01

Kachin Independence Organization (KIO)

Seven Points Agreement (Burmese) – 30 May 2013 (download PDF file)

Seven Points Agreement (English) – 30 May 2013 (download PDF file)

KIO technical advisory team opens office in Myitkyina – 23 July 2013 (download PDF file)

knpp 01

Karenni National Political Party (KNPP)

State Level Agreement (Burmese) – 7 March 2012 (download PDF file)

Union Level agreement (Burmese)- 9 June 2012 (download PDF file)

Union Level agreement (Burmese)- 20 June 2013 (download PDF file)

Union Level agreement (English)- 20 June 2013 (download PDF file)

knu 01

Karen National Union (KNU)

Preliminary agreement – 13 January 2012 (download PDF file)

6-point Union level agreement – 7 April 2012 (download PDF file)

kpc 01

KNU/KNLA Peace Council (KPC)

6-point state level agreement – 7 February 2012 (download PDF file)

Burmese Original (download PDF file)

ndaa 01

National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA)

NDAA and UPWC Joint statement – 21 March 2014 (download JPG file)

Ceasefire agreement – 7 September 2011 (download PDF file)

Union Level agreement – 27 December 2011 (download PDF file)

nmsp 01

New Mon State Party (NMSP)

Preliminary Ceasefire agreement – 1 February 2012 (download PDF file)

5-point State level and 4-point Union Level agreement – 25 February 2012 (download PDF file)

nscn k 01

National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K)

State level Agreement – 9 April 2012 (download PDF file)

pnlo 01

Pa-O National Liberation Organisation (PNLO)

PNLO State level agreement – 25 August 2012 (download PDF file)

PNLO union level agreement (Burmese) – 23 March 2013 (download JPG file)

PNLO union level agreement (English) – 23 March 2013 (download PDF file)

ssa s rcss 01

Shan State Army-South/Restoration Council of Shan State (SSA-S/RCSS)

Ceasefire agreement – 2 December 2011 (download PDF file)

1st Union level 11-point peace agreement – 16 January 2012 (download PDF file)

2nd Union level 12-point peace agreement – 19 May 2012 (download PDF file)

RCSS, GVT, UNOFC tripartite anti-drug agreement – 28 October 2012 (download PDF file)

ssa n sspp 01

Shan State Army-North/ Shan State Progressive Party (SSA-N/SSPP)

Preliminary and 5-point peace agreement – 28 January 2012 (download PDF file)

uwsa 01

United Wa State Army (UWSA)

Union Level 6-point agreement – 26 December 2011 (download PDF file)

UWSA-Govt 5 point agreement – 12 July 2013 (download JPG file)

The government’s roadmap for national reconciliation and union peace


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