Arakan National Council/ Arakan Army (ANC/AA)



Founded: 2004, 2010

Headquarters: KNU Brigade-5 territory, Karen State

Active Territories: Inside Karen State

Srength: More than 350

Chari, Commander-in-Chief: Col. Min Tun (aka) Min Zan Wai

Enabling all Arakan people to have the right to create their own destiny, and to preserve their national identity and cultural heritage, along with the liberation from tyranny of all ethnic groups and citizens in Myanmar are the objectives of the ANC/AA.

Following the 1 February 2021 military coup, the ANC/AA allied with the KNU’s Brigade-5 to resist the military junta forces. The Commander-in-Chief of the ANC/AA said the ANC/AA welcomed the formation of the National Unity Government (NUG) and is ready to collaborate with any organizations in an effort to build a federal democratic union and establish the federal army. Colonel Min Tun, head of the ANC/AA, attended the first public conference of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) which started on 27 January 2022.

On 31 March 2023, the ANC/AA sent a congratulatory message to the ceremony to mark the second anniversary of the Federal Democracy Charter (FDC) and encouraged the NUCC members to develop the capacity of all democratic and ethnic revolutionary forces that have not yet participated in the drafting and approval of the federal democratic charter.

Clashes with the military council force As the ANC/AA is fighting against the military council forces in alliance with the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA), there is no information about the fighting.


UNFC member

[email protected]


28 Feb 2020 – Arakan Army / ANC: Letters of Congratulations to Daw Htu May, Amyotha Hluttaw MP For Rakhine State

25 Jun 2019 – Arakan Army/ANC released statement regarding internet shutdown of northern Rakhine State

02 Mar 2019 – Arakan Army/ANC congratulate Resignation of Ward Administrator in Mrauk U and Yathae Taung

07 Feb 2019 – Arakan Army / ANC: Statement On the 72nd anniversary Shan National Day

31 Jan 2019 – Arakan Army / ANC: Statement On the 70th annual Karen Revolution Day

03 Nov 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released condolence message for Sayardaw U Yarzi Nanda

26 Oct 2018 – Arakan Army/ ANC message for 30th anniversary Pearl Jubilee of SNLD

24 Oct 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC congratulate for Integration of Arakan League For Democracy (ALD) and Arakan Patriotic Party (APP)

17 Oct 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released statement on crackdown protest in Mrauk-U

03 Oct 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released condolence message for Naing Ngwe Thein

26 Aug 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released condolence message for U Khin Maung Kyi

12 Aug 2018 – Arakan Army/ ANC message for 68th Karen Martyrs’ Day

26 Jun 2018 – Arakan Army/ ANC: analysis of Myanmar peace process

12 Jun 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released statement regarding National Stakeholder Consultation Meeting

05 Jun 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released condolence message for U Khaing Arnar Ni

13 Apr 2018 – Arakan Army/ANC released condolence message for General Maung Han (Arakan Communist Party)

27 Feb 2018 – Arakan Army / ANC : Statement on Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Mr.Naing Soe((Bur))

27 Feb 2018 – Arakan Army / ANC : Statement on Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Mr.Naing Soe(Eng)

12 Feb 2018 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding signing NCA

06 Dec 2017 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding ANC and ANC’s member page hacking

05 Aug 2017 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding security for residents in Rakhine

04 May 2017 – Arakan Army / ANC released condolence message for U Thar Noe (ALD-Exile)

23 Mar 2017 – Arakan Army / ANC released condolence message for U Maung Maung

02 Feb 2017 – Arakan Army / ANC ‘s Statement on the Assassination of U Ko Ni ((Bur))

02 Feb 2017 – Arakan Army / ANC ‘s Statement on the Assassination of U Ko Ni (Eng)

27 Oct 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding Maungdaw Violence

11 Oct 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding border guard police killed in Maungdaw, Rakhine State

09 Sep 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement for 77th death anniversary of Sayadaw U Ottama

19 Mar 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC: Letters of Congratulations to the newly elected President of Myanmar, Mr. Htin Kyaw

06 Feb 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC : Statement For Integration Of Arakan Liberation Party and Arakan Army(Eng)

31 Jan 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC : Statemeny by Arakan Army On the 67th Karen Revolution Day

08 Jan 2016 – Arakan Army / ANC message for Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panlong

25 Dec 2015 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding death sentences for Myanmar two migrant workers in Thailand

24 Oct 2015 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement regarding Ma Htay Htay San’s Death

11 Aug 2015 – Arakan Army / ANC released a statement on current natural disasters in Rakhine state

07 Aug 2015 – Arakan Army / ANC released condolence message for U Thar Ban

25 Apr 2015 – Arakan army released a statement on current conflicts in Rakhine state

27 Apr 2014 – Araken Army message for Araken National Convention

2014 / 1 / Statement Description within 2014: Progress
Araken National Convention

2015 / 5 / Statement Description within 2015: Progress

NCA, Condolence Message, Natural Disasters, Ma Htay Htay San’s Death, Myanmar Two Migrant Workers

2016 / 7 / Statement Description within 2016: Progress

Union Peace Conference, 67th Karen Revolution Day, Integration Of Arakan Liberation Party and Arakan Army, Letters of Congratulations, 77th death anniversary of Sayadaw U Ottama, Border Guard Police, Maungdaw Violence

2017/5/ Statement Description within 2017: Progress

Assassination of U Ko Ni, Condolence message, Security for residents in Rakhine, Page hacking

2018/13 Statement Description within 2018: Progress

NCA, Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Mr. Naing Soe, Condolence Message, National Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, Myanmar peace process, 68th Karen Martyrs’ Day, Crackdown protest in Mrauk-U, Integration of Arakan League For Democracy (ALD) and Arakan Patriotic Party (APP), 30th anniversary Pearl Jubilee of SNLD

The Arakan Army (AA) was founded to protect the Rakhine people, establish peace, justice, freedom and promote development. In the past, the AA worked alongside the DKBA. As an observer, AA representatives attended the second conference of EAOs held in Law Khee Ler in Karen state on 20-25 Jan 2014.

* U Tawn Zaw is serving UNFC secretary 1.
*AA is a member of Arakan National Council


  • To gain self-determination for multi-ethnic Rakhine
  • To safeguard national identity and cultural heritage
  • To promote national dignity and related interests

Peace Process

# of clashes
2011 – Unknown
2012 – Unknown
2013 – Unknown
2014 – Unknown
2014 – Unknown

Ceasefire & Peace Process: Discussion (upon into situation)
Official delegation team
Tawn Zaw and team
Liaison offices: NONE
Alliances: ANC member
Official delegation team
Spoke person: Tawn Zaw
Liaison offices: None
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website :
Phone: +66 (0) 911 371 736

The party that emerged from the All Arakan Students and Youths Congress (AASYC), the National United Front of Arakan (NUFA), and the Arakan Liberation Army (ALA) is also affiliated with the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA). The ANC was not allowed to sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) although it participated in peace talks as a member of the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) under U Thein Sein administration.

The ANC/AA’s ambitions are to allow all Rakhine people the right to shape their own destiny, preserve their national identity and cultural heritage, and liberate every ethnic group in Myanmar from dictatorship.

The ANC strongly condemned the government’s blocking of internet access in townships in northern Rakhine State, saying it is nothing but an attempt by the military to cover up war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2022 – 2023)


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